List to multi-instance converter. This tool can be used together with the button bar in Total Commander to open all selected files with a specific program, with the click of a single button (direct download).
Pack files/folders; options: T (target archive), D (pack paths), R (pack subfolders), S (multiple disk), M (delete after packing), X (self extracting), O (overwrite), A (separate archives), B (leave out base folder), C (Encrypt), P (password), G (start immediately), E (packer), Z (zip compression)
Unpack archives; options: T (target folder), D (unpack paths), O (overwrite), S (extract archives to separate folders), P (password), A (password for encrypted filenames), G (start immediately), W (filter files, double all enclosed double quotes, /W="" unpacks selection from open archive)
1 2 3 4
cm_packfiles /T="."DRG wcmicons.dll 压缩到当前面板
1 2 3 4
cm_unpackfiles /T="."S0G wcmicons.dll 解压到当前面板
1 2 3 4
cm_packfiles /S0G wcmicons.dll 解压到另一面板
1 2
cm_OpenRecycled C:\Windows\SysWOW64\shell32.dll
Total Commander,我因其丑陋的界面以及不习惯的操作方式曾一度放弃使用过,感谢一众前辈(善用佳软、吾爱破解等)的指引,让我没有错过此等神器。